The HBP Funnel

For The Home Business Pro

Step 6: 

Got a New Gold Member? 

Ok, if so, then look in PLS under the Menu "Team". Then use the
arrow to go up to "Gold Members" Find your member's phone ....
number and then text them this message: ......................................


Use this script to text (connect with) your new
PLS Gold Member: 

SMS (Text) Script I:

Hello (NAME)!
This is (
Your Name). I'm your sponsor in the Power 
Lead System (that you joined for $1 for 14 days).
We've had a lot of success working online (but it wasn't
always this way) and I just wanted 
to say hi and see
if I could help you?

See the Full Scripts Page 


Depending on what they respond back to you, try and ask them
to share the reason why they want to change their lifestyle. 

SMS (Text) Script II: 

Before I share how to get started with PLS, do you mind if I ask
you what your dream or hope is and why you would like to change your lifestyle (


After listening and sharing your thoughts on their story, ask them
if they mind if you share your story with them?

SMS (Text) Script III: 

So do you mind if I share my story with you (NAME)? 

(Before you share anything, go to Step #6 to identify what your
story is first).  


After you share your story, ask them if they mind if you share your 
vision page with them? Share the link (You can find out more about
this in Step #6 ). Here's a sample of what this link may look like: 


After sharing this, discuss any thoughts that come up and then tell them that 
you're looking forward to helping them achieve their goals but that we're not looking
for everyone and want to make sure that they qualify for our team first. 

SMS (Text) Script VI: 

So (NAME), I'm really looking forward to helping you achieve their goals
but first, we're not looking 
for everyone and want to make
sure that we would be a good fit for each other. 
Do you mind if I share our mission statement with you (

Here's the script to use to share with your prospect: 

The Script: HERE

The Link: HERE


After sharing this, see what their responses are. If they sound like they're 
on board and want to join you, then send them your link next: 

SMS (Text) Script VII: 

That's awesome that you want to join us!
Let me share something with you real quick:

How much money do you want to earn? [Wait for answer].

SMS (Text) Script VIII: 

(If they qualify, continue): 

OK great! The trick about earning well online with email marketing
has everything to do with effective communication...

[Send text and then wait a second]

There’s a course that I took in the Power Lead System that changed my life
and taught me step-by-step how to write effective emails.

I would encourage you to also take this course when you get inside the Power Lead System.
The course is called the Home Business Pro.
I have a quick question for you, though, before I share more about it with you:

[Wait for response:]

Many years ago my millionaire mentor would often encourage me to go outside of my comfort zone.
He encouraged me to take different courses and learn the skills to change my life...

[Send text and then wait a second]

I did this and I spent thousands of dollars in the process. He was right,
it absolutely changed my life and changed my income...

[Send text and then wait a second]

I’m just curious if we’re on the same page as far as that? 

[Wait for response. If they qualify, continue:]

 Great! Well, I’m going to send you a video with more details about how it works.

[Send text and then wait a second]

Basically, I don’t mind helping you and coaching you.

However, if you really want to succeed, I really encourage you to take that course.
It costs about $497 and will open your eyes to how everything fits together.

[Send text and then wait a second]

...on top of that, I will give you $2000 worth of coaching and mentoring
to help you personally connect all the dots.
How does that sound? 

[Wait for response. If they qualify, continue:]

Ok, awesome! Well, here's the link to see more about it and 
be able to join us!


Don't forget to watch the 
video. Will you let me know your thoughts (


(Here's What the Video (To Send To Your
Prospect) Looks Like:  HERE  )

Make sure you have your own special link. 
Here's the Share Code To Create It.
Your Sponsor will help you make it: 

Share Code: 


Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692